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Account maintenance, Cash management

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Current Accounts

From our selection of account packages, companies will be able to find the most suitable and affordable option.

Cash management services

Bank account management, the performance of payment transactions, cash desk services, liquidity management and cash-pooling.
Pénzforgalmi szolgáltatások

Cash-pooling, liquidity management

Complex Cash Pool service package consisting of several components to help to optimise your financing and liquidity positions.
Cash-pooling, likviditásmenedzsment
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9. Bank card, and e-channel cancellation, phising
Automatic card cancellation
9 1
Automatic e-channel cancellation
9 2
To connect an operator
9 0
1. Identification
Balance inquiry and account information
1 1
Mobile app registration code and digital services
1 2
Savings and investment
1 3
Activate your card, Card and mobile payment services
1 4
Loan and leasing
1 5
1 6
1 7
2. Without identification
Bank card
2 1
Digital services
2 2
2 3
Loan and leasing
2 4
General account information
2 5
2 6
2 7
4. -
4 1
4 2
4 3
4 4