- Responsibility for our employees
- Economic performance
- Society
- Taxonomy
- Community Support
- Reports
- Voluntary commitment to domestic and international initiatives
- Financial inclusion
- Our stakeholders
- Mission and Values
- Governance
- Environment and Climate Change
- Integrity in corporate conduct / Whistleblowing
The report contains information regarding the CIB Group’s organisational units and subsidiaries in Hungary. The data contained in the report is group-level data, unless otherwise expressly stated. When determining the content of the report, we relied heavily on the results of the various consultations held with external and internal stakeholders during the year, and the material topics were determined in accordance with the requirements of the GRI reporting standards.
The report primarily aims to provide the CIB Group’s stakeholders with an overview of the organisation’s performance and operations, in light of the topics and issues that are most of interest or of concern to them. Accordingly, besides the main, strategic and corporate-governance results, the report presents four major topics in detail, including the processes and results of the following eleven material topics identified:
- Governance and risk management
- Group value and solidity;
- Innovation, digital transition and cybersecurity
- Integrity in corporate conduct
- Society
- Quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Access to credit and financial inclusion
- Community support
- People
- Retention, enhancement, diversity and inclusion of the Group employees
- Well-being, health and safety of the Group's employees
- Employment protection
- Environment and climate change
- Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy
- Direct environmental impacts
The four main sections are thus also arranged in this same way: we explain how the given topic fits into our strategy, and what management approach we have taken, and then we present our main results and challenges of 2023, the extent to which last year’s objectives were fulfilled, and our new commitments for the coming years.
- Reporting period: calendar year 2023
- The previous “Business and Management Report Non-Financial Statement”, March 2022
- Reporting cycle: annual
- Applied reporting standards and guidelines: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Global Compact, Green Taxonomy Regulation 2020/852 EU
- Validity of data: Figures valid as of 31 December 2023, unless specified otherwise.
Other legislation and guidelines: EU Directive 2014/95/EU, in accordance with the relevant requirements of Act C of 2000 on Accounting (Subsections (1) – (5) of Section 95/C and Subsection (5) of Section 134), the Budapest Stock Exchange’s Non-financial Reporting Directive for listed companies, Intesa Sanpaolo Consolidated Non-Financial Statement.
Entities included in the CIB Group’s consolidated financial statements
- CIB Bank Zrt.
- CIB Lízing Zrt.
- CIB Rent Zrt.
- CIB Biztosítási Alkusz Kft.
- Recovery Zrt.
Materiality analyses and stakeholder engagement
Non-financial reporting covers the material topics and indicators that reflect significant economic, environmental and social impacts, and enable stakeholders to assess the reporting organisation’s performance in the reporting period. As well as constituting the core of non-financial and sustainability reporting, these aspects are also essential for identifying and managing risks and opportunities, also contributing to shaping the company’s strategy with regard to relevant issues for the business and its stakeholders. To this end, in line with the process outlined in the GRI standards, CIB Group updates its materiality analysis on an annual basis. In 2022, the Bank's three key stakeholder groups (employees, retail and corporate customers and strategic media partners) were actively involved in prioritising relevant issues, therefore no direct stakeholder engagement was carried out in 2023.
The CIB Group’s 2023 materiality analysis process was set out in line with the following macro-phases:
- revision of stakeholder mapping of the CIB Group;
- reviewing the economic, environmental and social impacts of the CIB Group (impact assessment)
- reviewing changes in key topics and issues relevant to the CIB Group and its stakeholders based on secondary research, industry benchmarking and secondary information available on stakeholders;
- guidance from the Parent Company’s analyses of national/international documentation, standards and legislation;
- reviewing the prioritisation of topics with the involvement of internal and external ESG experts
- validation of the materiality list:
- ESG Task Force manager and members directly involved in reporting
- internal and external ESG experts and
- Intesa Sanpaolo's sustainability reporting approaches and guidelines.
Preparations for the EU CSRD commenced in 2023, as part of which the data collection, methodology development and internal discussions necessary for the double materiality analysis for the 2024 report also started.
Sustainability reports
GRI compliance
- 2023: CIB Group has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 .
- 2022: CIB Group has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022.
- 2021: GRI standard 2021 „in accordance – Core”
- 2018 GRI standard "in accordance core
- 2017: GRI G4 "in accordance core", self declared
- 2016: GRI G4 "in accordance core", self declared
- 2015: GRI G4 "in accordance core", self declared
- 2014: GRI G4 "in accordance core", self declared
- 2013: GRI G4 "in accordance core", self declared
- 2012: GRI G3.1 "B szintű" megfelelés, self declared
- 2011: GRI B, self declared
- 2010: GRI B, self declared
- 2009: GRI B+, assurance statement, third party checked, assesed independent expert panel
- 2008: GRI B+, assurance statement, third party checked
- 2007: GRI B, self declared
Other reports