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Change in online bankcard payments!
From 31 October 2020 the process of confirmation of shopping online using a bankcard will change, and the use of a Confirmation code will be replaced by a new process. The new process is based on the European Union’s Payment Services Directive - Strong Customer Authentication (PSD2 - SCA)1, making it more secure than ever before. As a result, only the cardholder will be able to confirm transactions even if they lose their mobile phone and their bankcard at the same time.
The bank will provide its cardholder customers with CIB Bank Mobile Application or a limited, so-called Card Authentication function of the application in order to support this new confirmation process.
Further information
1 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389 of 27 November 2017 supplementing Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for strong customer authentication and common and secure open standards of communication.
2 If a retail customer applied for their bankcard before 1 February 2019 and
• had the CIB Bank Mobile Application, they will receive the Confirmation code for online purchases in a smart notification (push message from the mobile application)
• did not have the CIB Bank Mobile Application before this date, the codes will be sent to the mobile phone number registered in the CIB Card Monitoring service via text message
• did not have either the mobile application or the Card Monitoring service, the codes will be sent to the notification mobile phone number specified in the contract.
• If the client does not have access to the CIB Mobile Bank service and has not provided a notification mobile phone number, then they will not have a 3D telephone number until they have specified the method of notification by phone at the CIB24 Customer Service Call Centre, after identification, or in person at a branch.
If clients applied for a bankcard after 1 February 2019, this means they will have specified a 3D phone number during the application process.
For corporate customers (including sole traders), if a Card Monitoring service was set up for the card in question before 1 February 2019, the phone number provided here has been set up as a 3D phone number.
The detailed terms and conditions of the service are specified for retail customers in the Bank’s Specific Business Regulations pertaining to Bank Cards for Consumer, Specific Business Regulations pertaining Internet-based Electronic Services for Consumers and Sole Traders, and General Retail Business Regulations for Consumers and Sole Traders; and for businesses, in the Specific Business Regulations pertaining to Bank Cards for Companies, Other Organisations and Sole Traders, and in the Bank’s Corporate Banking Business Regulations.